Friday, May 29, 2020

Principal Axes: The Three Capability Dimensions That Propel Corporate Strategy

Let’s talk about strategy.

More specifically, corporate strategy as a functional discipline, the fundamental value it creates (or should create) for an organization and its people, and the capabilities it requires in order to succeed.

This article is the first in a series that looks at strategy pragmatically, from a business operator’s point of view, and explores some practical, proven recipes to create and utilize a corporate strategy function that drives meaningful value. It’s my humble contribution to introducing some standards, common frameworks and best practices for strategy as a functional discipline. In this piece, I focus on the fundamental purpose and value of strategy, and I introduce the 'Principal Axes' framework to showcase the capabilities that need to be in place to realize that purpose and value.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Print or Digital: The Trade-Offs Brand Managers Face When Choosing Between Paper and Electronic Coupons

Let’s talk about coupons.

More specifically, manufacturer coupons issued by major brands for consumers to redeem against every-day food and household purchases at grocery and drug stores.

Why, despite the appeal and growth of digital incentives, have traditional paper coupons continued to reign supreme? Is it just a matter of time to change consumer adoption habits, or is there more to the physical paper coupon that accounts for its longevity and continued popularity?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Evangelize-Convert-Optimize: The Fundamental Purpose and Core Tasks of Consumer Marketing

Let’s talk about consumer marketing.

More specifically, the industry of consumer marketing, its fundamental purpose, core tasks, market structure, dynamics and size.

This article, focusing on the fundamental purpose and core tasks of consumer marketing, is the first in a series on how to strategically evaluate the marketing services industry landscape, make sense of the trends and competitive moves impacting it, and think critically about the various industry players and their strategic position and significance.

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The Value Tree, Part 2: Using Shareholder Value to Unite and Prioritize the Corporate Portfolio of Strategic Initiatives

Let’s talk some more about shareholder value. More specifically, applying The Value Tree strategic framework, which I adapted from ...

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